
Best prices. Non front-runnable. Non arbitrageable.

AutoSwap is a Decentralised Exchange (DEX) aggregator on:

  • BNB Chain (Formerly Binance Smart Chain) (BNB)

  • Polygon (MATIC)

  • Avalanche (AVAX)

  • Cronos (CRO

and going on to other chains like Fantom (FTM) and OKEx in the coming weeks. Using AutoSwap, users will be able to find the best prices and swap rates when making exchanges in DeFi, this is achieved by splitting users' trades into different routes across the different DEXes based on the available liquidity on each DEX.

The AutoSwap Advantage

  • Convenience

  • Lowest slippage possible

  • Intelligent routing algorithm (transparently displayed on UI)

  • Better swap rates than using the DEX directly

  • No additional fees for using AutoSwap

DEXes Supported

  • For an up to date list of supported dexes, we refer to the AutoSwap section in our roadmap:

Last updated